in one of my classes second term (or was it first?) my teacher told us that we see so many images a day- from advertising, internet and various other resources. this figure that he told us was astonishing but completely made sense. i think it was in the thousands or at least high 100s. can you imagine- it's like we are the indian who had to shake the stick at all the people that he saw in england the moment he got off the boat. we would be lost in all the mathematics and be completely overwhelmed. i often wonder if this is just too much for our society and culture. just over a hundred years ago little more than half the people in developed culture had seen a photograph. what would it be like to be them now with the bombardment of images? what does this mean to someone like me who makes images for a living (or at least attempting to)? i feel as if i might be throwing heaps upon the already vast mound and only hope that what i make and conceive might make a difference in cluttered world. i know that it makes me feel better that i might display my thoughts and feeling and various other emotions into and onto the world.
also, did you know that more than half of the worlds population has never made a phone call? what do you do with all of yours? is it worth while?