Wednesday, November 28, 2007

i've been an adult for two whole weeks now.

for my birthday, i had class and worked. after work, i met patrick and we went to dinner. he took me to a cute mexican place in silverlake so i could have my first legal drink- a margarita. he chose the perfect place. on saturday night i celebrated my birthday with friends, it was packed everywhere we went. we went to the cha cha lounge for drinks, we sideswiped a parked car on the way there. it was alright. my friends were amazing the entire night. patrick got me the best present- a trip to san francisco for a few days during the break. we've started looking into things, we're gonna have the best time.

my birthday was really amazing because of patrick, i'm so glad he's in my life. there's things i want to tell him. i need the right moment.