today is my twenty-first birthday. i've been celebrating a little bit all week. this morning i was awoken first by my dad, who at 7:15am, thought i was starting my dad. he called to tell me he is now old. and then the second wake up call was at 8:30 to singing and a candle in a muffin by kim and chris. the rest of the day will include class, work and then a very late dinner with patrick, that i'm vastly looking forward to.
i was thinking while in the shower yesterday morning, deep thoughts as usual, and realizing that from this point on i should be or rather i will be seen as a full fledged adult. this morning my grandma said something to this effect, but with laughter. normally i don't wear make up- it's a bit of a hassle, but this morning as i was listening to a favorite mix on itunes i put on make up and i welcomed and feared the new status i've obtained.
i know i need to take a deep breath and remember that i've been practically an adult, with all the responsibilites and no actual title, for years. this is my recognition. and it's shouldn't be a bad thing. i mean, millions of people are adults who definately don't act like it so i can make it with no problem.