last night patrick and i were at the bank, after dinner trying to decide what to do with the rest of our evening when we found a dog. some people in a truck were yelling to get the dog. we thought he was theirs. he wasn't. he had tags and was very friendly, he even listened to commands. we decided that we should find his owners and return him. so off we were.
we went to the local animal hospital to see if we could get any answers and we did, sort of. we were able to get an address, it was on the west side of town, an hour away from where we were. we drove. the registrastered address wasn't his. we drove back toward my side of town. and went to the local humane society.
the whole time, he was being so good. we decided that his name would be pico. and that he was the best "found" dog ever. we wanted to keep him.
while giving all of the information to the humane society, patrick was sitting with pico at the kennel he was put in. he looked so sad to have bars between he and patrick. when i was all done with the information giving, we had to go. and pico had to stay. he barked for the first time as we left. it was like leaving a part of us there.
i'm going to check in with the humane society tomorrow and see if his owner have found him yet. i really really hope so.
1 comment:
my mom doesnt let me go to the humane society because i always want to take home the old animals that no one else is likely to choose. the last one was an old pug named Ollie. i call it compassion, she labelled it cat-lady tendencies.
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